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Ref: RDR001231 | MoreniClick the button or scroll down to see how you can bring Beauty home!
Adopt me!My story
Once upon a time, in the picturesque Romanian countryside, a tiny creature lay abandoned on the side of the road. Sweet Beauty, as she would later be named, was just a puppy, a mere few months old. Surrounding her were her four sisters and one brave brother, Volodimir. They were alone in the world, left to fend for themselves in the cruel and unforgiving wilderness. It was by some miraculous twist of fate that our team of dog rescuers happened upon this forlorn group of pups. Their eyes, so full of innocence and hope, tugged at our hearts. We knew we couldn't leave them behind, condemned to a life of suffering and loneliness. And so, we gathered them up, cradling them in our loving arms. Sweet Beauty, with her chubby little body and cheerful disposition, quickly won our affections. She had endured so much in her short life, yet her spirit remained unbroken. She was up to date on her vaccines, ready to embark on a new chapter. All she needed now was a home, a forever family to shower her with the love and care she so desperately deserved. Won't you be the one to open your heart and give Sweet Beauty the home she so sincerely craves?Share my story!
If you know anyone who would like to adopt me, please let them know my story to them!
If you wish to adopt Beauty, please contact us:
Ways you can help dogs like Beauty have a better life
The best way to help Beauty is to adopt. If that`s not an option, then maybe you can support us by donating a small amount to our cause. Please try to donate a small sum but monthly. This way we can control our finances more easily and be much more efficient in our work. Even 2£ per month can make a big difference for our dogs!
You can send donations via PayPal:
[email protected]
If you have a PayPal account, you can support us by clicking the following PayPal link:
Donate with PayPalOur shelter is in constant need of supplies, especially dog food. Contact us to find out what we need the most:
Just follow us on Facebook and Twitter and share our posts from time to time. Maybe our dogs will find a family amongst your friends!